via, Goodness. It doesn’t sound like Gary Krakow has a clue about technology.

First of all, people are already using the supposedly non-enterprise-ready iPhone 1.0 in the enterprise. And what exactly is the killer enterprise app for Blackberry? It’s push e-mail on the phone. The reason that is so successful is because traditional cell phones have crappy data connections and can not access IMAP / POP mail boxes like a desktop application. The iPhone has IMAP support and a great e-mail application. Along with Wi-Fi and hopefully 3G soon, it functions just as well or perhaps better than Blackberry phones. Lastly, Apple has already licensed ActiveSync from Microsoft and announced it’s availability in the next iPhone firmware update. iPhone users will have full access to MS Exchange servers using the standard iPhone applications.

So, it’s utterly pointless to “bite the bullet”.

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