Taiwan DPP are a bunch of fucking idiots. Is this what “Democracy” is to them? Riots and violence in the streets? Their behavior completely destroys any thread of credibility they might have had.

Freedom comes with responsibility. These people do not deserve the freedoms they currently enjoy. Not only have they embarrassed themselves they have disgraced all the people that live in Taiwan. To think Dr. Sun Yet-Sun fought all his life for these people makes me sad.

Taiwan’s economy is in the shitter because of 8 corrupt years of a DPP president. Now the new government is trying to jump start the economy by increasing commerce and trade between China and Taiwan. Better relations with China will only benefit Taiwan. The only edge we have on China now is our Democracy and technological lead. Even so China is rapidly catching up with Taiwan in social change and technology. In some cases they’ve already far surpassed Taiwan ( China’s already sent a man to space ).

Now is the time to take advantage of our lead and establish a good commerce and trade relationship with China. It will only help our economy and put food in these DPP idiots mouths. Soon enough China will have no need to deal with Taiwan anymore. If the DPP fucks shit up, soon enough all the leading businesses in Taiwan will lose their manufacturing base in China and lose their technology lead over China. What then will Taiwan do? Go back to making crappy umbrellas and shoes? Grow rice and fruits? We won’t even be able to do that cheaper than China!

Argh! DPP Idiots piss me off!

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