Who says good things don’t come free? As in open source free. Dimdim is an online meeting suite, much like WeEx except it is an open source package. As you know, we are fans of open source here at Jambo Consulting, so it’s no surprise that we have adopted Dimdim for our meeting needs. (We still love iChat, though!)

The basic, free registration will allow up to 20 participants in a meeting. You’ll get many great features for free: video (host), audio (dial-in or VOIP), desktop sharing, whiteboard sharing, chatroom, recording, and integration with Zimbra or Outlook. Our experiences with Dimdim and its VOIP capability have been wonderful, although I’d recommend a good headset/microphone. The Web-based UI is very friendly and easy to use and runs on all the popular browsers.

It is in my mind a true WebEx killer.

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