OReilly drops ebook DRM, Sees 104% Increase In Sales
OReilly drops ebook DRM, sees 104% increase in sales Boing Boing.
Opera and Firefox Downloads Soar
Opera and Firefox downloads soar after IE alerts • The Register.
VirtualBox’s Little Secret
VirtualBox’s Little Secret: The Command Line | Linux Magazine.
Windows Hole Discovered After 17 Years
Not good.
Windows hole discovered after 17 years – Update – The H Security: News and Features.
豬血糕 食譜
1. 現宰豬血取回後須先加入1茶匙鹽拌勻備用。 |
2. 花生粉與糖拌勻;香菜洗淨切碎備用。 |
3. 將圓糯米以清浸泡水約30分鐘後瀝乾水份,以大火蒸20分鐘後離火,隨即取出與作法1 的豬血充分攪拌後,鋪平於容器內待涼凝固,即成豬血糕。 |
4. 將豬血糕切厚成15×4cm的長條狀,以竹籤穿過,但需預留10公分的竹籤當手柄,再放入蒸籠內蒸約5分鐘至熟,蒸好的豬血糕先沾醬油膏再沾甜辣醬後,拌入花生粉與香菜即可。 |
Tarahumara Indians
Derek Sivers from CD Baby
Wow, my hero.
Derek Sivers from CD Baby | MeetInnovators.
Secure Your Checked Bags — Fly With A Gun
Sounds a little back-ass-wards, but good tip. I wonder if this works for toy BB guns, and if you’re allowed to fly internationally with it…
Secure your checked bags — fly with a gun – Boing Boing.
LEGO Universe
Wow, I want to play this
LEGO Universe allows kids to fight with their imagination.
Space 2099
Letters of Note: Your pal, John K.
I’m starting to really like Letters of Note.
Letters of Note: Your pal, John K..
DIY Touchscreen Analysis
labs.moto.com » Blog Archive » DIY Touchscreen Analysis.
XHTML Slides
If only everybody used this instead of PowerPoint.
How to Enable GodMode on Windows 7
Become a Windows God! How to Enable GodMode on Windows 7 | Web Talk.