Data Robotics, Inc.

Nice upgrade to the excellent Drobo. Up to 16 TB of automagically protected storage.

Data Robotics, Inc.

Richard Branson is my Hero

Richard Branson Skiing
Richard Branson Skiing 699×480 pixels.

8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs | CSS | Smashing Magazine

8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs | CSS | Smashing Magazine

Donklephant » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Supporter Detained By TSA For Carrying Cash?

Donklephant » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Supporter Detained By TSA For Carrying Cash?.

5 useful url rewriting examples using .htaccess

5 useful url rewriting examples using .htaccess

Ooma – Internet Phone with no Monthly Fees

If this company stays in business, this’ll be a pretty good deal :) Or at least stay in business for a couple more years…

Apple – QuickTime – iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Presentation

Apple – QuickTime – iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Presentation

Salon Transcripts (STX) – Using Remotely – Opening Ports, Port Forwarding –

Salon Transcripts is a great piece of software for managing salons on the Mac. If you’ve just started using multiple clients with STX, you might run into problems connecting the new Macs to the server. Besides checking the usual network connectivity, you should check the server’s Firewall, and open the ports used by STX Server. The following ports are used to connect to the STX Server:

Port 9090
Port 4000
Port 20260

If you’re having issues connecting to the server, check the Firewall settings on the server. You can “Allow all incoming connections” first, to confirm that it’s the Firewall causing problems.

With the proper settings on your router, you can even use STX remotely.

Salon Transcripts (STX) – Using Remotely – Opening Ports, Port Forwarding –


Wow, this is cool. Text-To-Speech for Chinese / Cantonese. I wish OS X’s speech services could do Chinese, or at least be of this quality.


Apple: How the iPod Shuffle VoiceOver Works

Mmm… sucks for all those “Untitled” songs. I also don’t think it’ll work for anything that’s not English.

Apple: How the iPod Shuffle VoiceOver Works

SSL problem… SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol

I’ve been getting the following error while trying to setup a SMTP submission service on port 587:

$ openssl s_client -connect SMTP.SERVER.COM:587
22564:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:601:

It turns out this indicates that the smtp server ( qmail ) WAS setup properly on port 587. It’s just not an encrypted SMTP connection. Testing the same server via unencrypted Telnet session confirms this:

$ telnet 587
Trying XX.XX.XX.XX…
Connected to SMTP.SERVER.COM.
Escape character is ‘^]’.
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)


Cool little tool to mount images in Windows XP. This is pretty standard practice on Linux and Mac OS X, but I didn’t realize Microsoft had this kind of tool for Windows XP too.

XP: Small, Free Way to Use and Mount Images (ISO files) Without Burning Them | Windows | Tech-Recipes

Update RubyGems to new Version on Leopard | Libin Pan

$ sudo gem install rubygems-update
$ sudo update_rubygems

Update RubyGems to new Version on Leopard | Libin Pan

How to properly remove the Zimbra iSync Connector

Noah Abrahamson listed the Clean and Proper way to uninstall Zimbra iSync Connector:

sudo /Library/PreferencePanes/Zimbra.prefPane/Contents/Resources/ZimbraHelper –uninstall

Daring Fireball: Copying the Wrong Thing

The key ingredient I see in successful apps, Mac or web — and, really, in creative commercial endeavors of any kind — is that the creators are building something they themselves love. That’s what you should copy.

Daring Fireball: Copying the Wrong Thing

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