Cancer Cure?


Implant raises cellular army to attack cancer – tech – 11 January 2009 – New Scientist.

17-year-old dead after Taser blast


The Raw Story | 17-year-old dead after Taser blast.

Cost of War In Iraq

No wonder the War in Iraq failed and cost so damn much.

Just true video.

Five Biotech ETFs – Seeking Alpha

A Close Look at Five Biotech ETFs – Seeking Alpha.

Dell Adamo Ultra-Thin Laptop

What a weak product announcement. They tried really hard to ‘engineer’ buzz around the product, and just seemed to annoy people…

I think Palm and Apple’s strategy of keeping things secret until the announcement works a lot better than this.

Some pictures and video of the first Adamo product. Dell’s Adamo is actually a new high end designer product line, rather than just a single product.

On a side note, the name keeps making me think of Battlestar Galactica… maybe they should do some joint marketing.

Dell's ultra-thin Adamo laptop set free – Engadget

New video of BART shooting emerges.

WTF is going on!? Why are police shooting unarmed people that are cuffed and laying face first in the ground!?

New video of BART shooting emerges offering clearest view so far (and audio).

BART shooting captured on video

Texas Man Shot In Own Driveway

Whether or not there was racial profiling the officer clearly acted inappropriately.

via The Raw Story | Racial profiling charged after Texas man shot in own driveway.

WTF Is Going On Israel!?

I don’t know who’s right or wrong in the Middle East, but this seems to be getting out of hand…

Gaza medics describe horror of strike which killed 70 – Telegraph.


Mr. Beatles… get with the times. Your music is ALREADY available digitally for free all over the net. CDs are not protected, anybody can ( and has ) digitize it and share it to the world.

You might as well make some money off of your old music before CDs completely die off… Even if you don’t need the extra money, at least do it to please your fans.

Exclaim News: Norwegian Broadcasters Attempt To “Digitalize” Beatles Goes Sour .

Palm Pre Charging Dock

Finaly Palm is paying attention to some design and innovation. Induction charging has been around for a while, but it hasn’t been used much in actual products. The angle and magnetic alignment with the Palm Pre phone should work great.

It reminds me of when Apple attached their remotes and iSight cameras to the iMacs via magnets. Simple but magic like. Wish my iPhone had a dock like this :) : Shop

Tech: Dropbox Sync External Folder

Dropbox is probably my favorite Backup, File Sharing, Data Organization software/service. It automatically backs up and syncs your files to the net and between systems ( Mac, Linux, and Windows ). The default behavior is to only backup/sync files within the My Dropbox directory. However, you can symbolically link a directory outside of that folder and Dropbox will follow the links to back things up.

Now I think about it, this is an obvious ‘feature’. Symbolic links can be easily created with the “ln -s” command on OS X and Linux, but how do you do it in Windows?


Use either the JUNCTION utility from Sysinternals, or the MKLINK command built in to Windows Vista and Server 2008, for example:

junction “C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\My Dropbox\DesiredFolder” “C:\Path\To\DesiredFolder”

mklink /D “C:\Users\Steve\Documents\Dropbox\DesiredFolder” “C:\Path\To\DesiredFolder”

Or, if you prefer a GUI, install Link Shell Extension.

Use SyncToy to echo changes from another folder to your Dropbox folder. This keeps 2 copies on disk though.

Be careful on Windows though:

Windows may not update changes to symlinked files automatically.

Changes made to a junction point-linked file/folder on Windows may not update the Dropbox mirrored copies until you close and restart Dropbox. See for more details. Recommend keeping the real files in the Dropbox folder and symlinking into Dropbox rather than the other way around.

Follow the link for more specific instructions.
TipsAndTricks/SyncOtherFolders – Dropbox Wiki

Aime Jalon

Love the art.


A worthy cause.

Donate/Letter/en .

Teen with Home Chemistry Lab Arrested for Meth, Bombs

The pursuit of knowledge should be encouraged and not condemned.

Crimes Of The Future: Teen with Home Chemistry Lab Arrested for Meth, Bombs.

Pinups for Pit Bulls

Awesome. I love Pitbulls.

Pinups for Pit Bulls Rally for Breed : Discovery News.

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