Android: Sony Ericsson, HTC to Release Android Phones in 2009

I’ve been using Sony Ericsson phones for a long time, and have usually loved their hardware. Hopefully they can really contribute to and take advantage of Android.

Android: Sony Ericsson, HTC to Release Android Phones in 2009

MacFUSE 2.0 Released

New update to MacFUSE has been released on Google Code. Combined with MacFUSION, it’ll let you mount SSH accounts etc. as a drive. Quite useful.

CHANGELOG – macfuse – Google Code – Changes/Feature Additions in MacFUSE Releases

Netflix on TiVo

Now really live and working quite well. I just wish it had an interface as nice as the one on Boxee’s Netflix plugin. Currently you can onlly play videos already in your Instant Queue. I f you want to browse or search for other content you’ll have to fire up your browser.

Netflix on TiVo – TiVo

DRM Music era over tomorrow? | 9 to 5 Mac


DRM Music era over tomorrow? | 9 to 5 Mac

Dear Mr. President

I’d like to suggest a better use of $30+ billion dollars bailout for the auto industry. Give this money to the NEW American Auto Industry like Tesla Motors and Aptera, who already have WORKING electric vehicles on the road.

Only 1/10th of $30 Billion dollars is needed to build these companies new innovative companies up. And when we do, the US Auto Industry will be AHEAD of the world and not merely caught up with the rest of the auto industry.


First time I’ve actually written el Presidente. Hopefully he or at least somebody will read it. Although I would have preferred a more Libertarian President / Government, I think Obama will be a good president. Considering he is already fully taking advantage of the power of technology, and is open to new ideas.

I like that anybody can submit their ideas to him at I also like the Government Spending website he helped push through:

Daring Fireball: Regarding the John Does in Apple’s Amended Complaint Against Ersatz Mac Cloner Psystar

Interesting take on Apple’s amended complaint in the Psystar case.

Daring Fireball: Regarding the John Does in Apple's Amended Complaint Against Ersatz Mac Cloner Psystar



Seriously Smart Bolts

This is a great idea, ‘Smart Bolts’ that indicate proper tightening through a pressure sensitive color indicator on the bolt head.

Stress Indicators Inc.

Smartphones: ITRI Bringing Folding TFT-EPD Displays to Smartphones Next Year

ITRI is the main industrial research entity in Taiwan. Much of the high tech industry in Taiwan have been born from the research done at ITRI.

It’s nice to see that they’re starting pay attention to design and trying to market their ideas to the world.

Smartphones: ITRI Bringing Folding TFT-EPD Displays to Smartphones Next Year

Duck: How to Fix the Ducking iPhone Puritanism

Cool for the potty mouths out there.

You only need to load your favorite swear words as contacts.

Duck: How to Fix the Ducking iPhone Puritanism

American Stock Transfer and Trust Company

The have a simple sign-up procedure to get into Drip programs for 100 some companies. Great low cost way to start investing.

American Stock Transfer and Trust Company.

Free Open University Spanish, French and German lessons on iTunes U. | 9 to 5 Mac

Awesome… I’ve always been fascinated with languages.

Free Open University Spanish, French and German lessons on iTunes U. | 9 to 5 Mac

54 Mind-blowing Digital Paintings – PSDTUTS

I think my favorite is Artgerm’s work.

54 Mind-blowing Digital Paintings – PSDTUTS

How to remove www from your URL with mod_rewrite – Yoast – Tweaking Websites

To remove or add “www” to your domain name just use the following code in your .htaccess file:

Remove www:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Add www:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301]

How to remove www from your URL with mod_rewrite – Yoast – Tweaking Websites

Video: Micron’s Washington PCIe prototype SSD card is wicked quick – Engadget

Wow… can’t wait for these new SSDs to become affordable.

Video: Micron's Washington PCIe prototype SSD card is wicked quick – Engadget

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